New Changes Bring New Opportunities

In 2015 the Provincial Government of British Columbia changed the Strata Properties Act to allow for the sale of Strata Properties when an 80% voting threshold is met amongst owners. Since its implementation, there have been over 500 million dollars in wind-up transactions.

Our expert team has a unique suite of services dedicated exclusively to ensuring the best and most careful consideration of stakeholders interests. Please visit our sister site for our most advanced approach and a full suite of services. We can deliver the best results available today in this newly-emerging commercial real estate market.
If you have questions about the strata property you live in and want to know if there is potential for the development and sale, contact our team.

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Kane Ryan

Phone: 250-986-8900


Office Info

Pemberton Holmes

3301 Douglas Street  Victoria,  BC  V8V 3N8 

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